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(獨家)理科先生見不到兒子 發聲明心碎離開台灣

2022/02/12 18:09















With sadness I’m leaving Taiwan for now, but I will come back as soon as I take care of work responsibilities. I can’t really read Chinese, but false accusations still hurt more than I thought they would.

Miles, not sure when you’ll be old enough to see this, but having you in my life is the best thing that ever happened to me. It’s tragic you are going through this too. I will fight for you, but I won’t force you to choose between your parents. No matter what happens, I’m always on your side and respect your individuality.

It’ll be hard not to see you for a while, if I could take you back to America I would, but circumstances are what they are now.


Evelyn, hard to put my feelings into words, but many months ago you told me in the future Miles should only see positive things in the news when he searches for our names online. I’m hoping there’s still a future where that’s possible and we both maintain that mindset. At some point in the past we were on the same page and worked to accomplish things for our family. I still appreciate the good years together when things were simple and we were happily in love.


I also wanted to thank everyone who has said kind words and supported me this far. It does mean a lot to me. There’s many behind the scene details I want to talk about,I don’t know what the future holds, but I will dig deep and keep pushing forward. Marriage can be tough, but I will do what I can to give Miles a loving father.


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