《Nobody Gets Out Alive》歌曲試聽:〈取自YouTube,如遭移除敬請見諒〉
《Nobody Gets Out Alive》歌詞:
Life is a highway and it's mighty fucking long (mighty fucking long)
Full of twists and turns so you know shit's gon' go wrong (shit's gon' go wrong)
You can slip (slip), you can slide (slide)
You can run (run) but you can't hide (hide)
Nobody gets out alive (nobody gets out alive)
Nobody gets out alive (no fucking way)
Life is a highway with mountains mighty high (mountains mighty high)
When you get to the top it's deep down the other side (down the other side)
All of a sudden you're going too fast (fast)
The breaks don't work so that's your ass (your ass)
Nobody gets out alive (nobody gets out alive)
Nobody gets out alive (no fucking way)
There's () and you can't take (can’t take)
It's all about the choice you make (fucking choices)
No matter how fast you wanna go
Don't look in the rearview 'cause you know
Life is a highway full of signs in which way to go (signs in which way to go)
Stop, go slow, one way, try to keep up with the flow (the flow)
When the ride is over (hey, oh)
You see the getting in (hey)
Nobody gets out alive (nobody gets out alive)
Nobody gets out alive (nobody gets out alive)
Nobody gets out (nobody gets out alive)
Nobody gets out (nobody gets out alive)
Nobody gets out alive (no fucking way)
Nobody gets out alive ()
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
Nobody gets out
Nobody gets out alive (nobody gets out alive)
Nobody gets out (nobody gets out)
Nobody gets out alive
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