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(有片)狂被問上廁所不洗手 小珍妮佛直接拍給你看

2015/11/10 18:50


〔娛樂頻道/綜合報導〕「飢餓女」珍妮佛勞倫斯爆氣啦!日前接受MTV專訪,珍妮佛玩心大起,故意鬧2位男主角,自曝自己最噁心的習慣是上完廁所不洗手,不料嚇翻眾人,近來跑《飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢 最終章》宣傳,頻頻被追問衛生問題,讓她氣得直說「我本來讓連恩和喬許覺得我很噁,結果現在全世界都覺得我很噁。」




From Jen!

I hate talking to the Internet but I can't get asked another question about my hygiene on this press tour. I told MTV I didn't wash my hands after going to the bathroom because I was trying to gross out Josh and Liam and I ended up grossing out the world. Of course I wash my hands after going to the bathroom! (I can't believe I've put myself in a situation where I even have to say that.) Anyway with all the rumors I've ever heard about myself this is the one I really had to put to rest. -Jen

Jennifer Lawrence 貼上了 2015年11月9日

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