〔記者林南谷/台北報導〕28歲「台灣拳后」林郁婷兌現承諾,扛住國人期待,凌晨在巴黎奧運以5:0輾壓20歲波蘭新秀賽琳梅塔(Julia Szeremeta),替台灣再拿一金也頂住性別爭議紛擾,完成「金牌大滿貫」,年代新聞台《年代晚報》當家主播張雅琴賽前就鐵口直斷:「林郁婷一定會贏!」
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“Taiwan’s Olympic Boxing Gold Medalist and the Gender Issues”
Taiwan boxer Lin Yu-ting clinched the gold medal in the Paris Olympic finals on Sunday! People across Taiwan are thrilled and ecstatic about it.
She not only won the match but also triumphed in the battle over the gender controversy.
I think to question Lin’s gender is utterly absurd because she was identified as female at birth in Taiwan.
Here are some points:
A. Lin Yu-ting has participated in six world championships over the past years without any gender issues. However, the International Boxing Association (IBA) raised questions about her gender and revoked her bronze medal in 2023.
But the International Olympic Committee (IOC) refuted that the disqualification of Lin from Taiwan and Khelif from Algeria was based on ‘misleading information.’
B. In Taiwan, when you are born, if you are male, your ID number starts with a ‘1,’ and if you are female, your ID number starts with a ‘2.’
Lin Yu-ting was identified as female at birth, so her ID number starts with a ‘2.’
Back then, when she was just a baby, who would have thought that she would join the Olympic boxing competition?
She couldn’t possibly have registered her gender as female instead of male at birth.
In the Paris Olympics, the IOC supported Lin Yu-ting’s eligibility, but why does the IBA continue to attack her? Personally, I see two possible reasons:
First, There may be a grudge between the IOC and the IBA.
The IOC banned the IBA from organizing boxing events in 2019 due to financial mismanagement and corruption, so the IBA might intentionally try to disrupt the Paris Olympics.
Second, It could be an attempt to suppress Taiwan to please China.
C. I was shocked that the Russian Deputy Ambassador to the UN actually brought up the gender issues at the UN! I think this matter has been politicized to an incredibly absurd degree.
D. I believe that the controversy surrounding Lin Yu-ting’s gender is far from a simple issue.
It could be a form of media warfare aimed at suppressing Taiwan.
And who is behind this media warfare? Is it an effort to appease China? ~These questions require further investigation.
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