電話交談缺乏肢體語言的提示,相較於面對面談話更具挑戰,尤其以非母語溝通更易令人緊張。逢對方說話速度太快而無法理解時,客氣問對方可否放慢說話速度:「Would you mind speaking slowly/Could you please speak slowly?」
若打錯電話(a wrong number call/a misdial),通常會聽到對方回應:「I’m afraid that you have the wrong number.」。此時禮貌致歉因打錯電話而打擾到對方:「I’m sorry that I bothered you.」。
若線路受干擾或對方聲音突然消失,可試問對方是否仍在線上才決定結束談話與否:「Hello, are you still there/are you on the line?」。
掛上電話前除萬用的「再見」(Goodbye/Good-bye),以下句子可適用於結束與親朋好友間的電話交談:「很開心跟你講電話」(It’s been a lot of fun talking to you.),接著說:「我該掛電話」(I’d better go now./I’d better ring off now./I’d better hang up the phone./Bye for now.)。或者你說:「改天再聊,再見」(Let’s talk sometime soon. Bye.)。
另外,住飯店不懂撥外線,可拿起房間電話問接線生:「How to get an outside line?」。若聽到以下指示:「Dial zero first. Wait for the dial tone/dialing tone. Then dial the number you want to call.」是指先撥0,等有撥號音即可撥打電話號碼。